ALMOST EVERY industry is crowded with competition. You may get very discouraged trying to get attention but without trying, you may get none at all. Convincing people that you are better placed to serve them could prove to be a hard nut to crack. You have to convince them of the reason why you want them to use your products and services instead of another company’s. The invention of social media and websites has made things easier in some respects, but in other respects, not so much.
Marketing is for those who do not give up. Using new technology could help a business owner or manager market their product more easily than if one has to use the traditional means such as word-of-mouth and advertising on the radio and television. Make yourself or your web page a hub of knowledge. In whichever industry you are working, people are always hungry for information. This means that when people need any information or informed opinions, they come to you. This makes it easier to create rapport and make them your customers because they can trust you. Put information that is useful, authoritative and consistent. You should also participate in conferences, interviews and webinars to help you get recognition. This makes it very easy to reach you.
Marketers should also be resourceful. Give educational content and participate on chats on social media. Following people on Twitter, Facebook and so on is also a good way to make your business known. You should strive to be seen in websites that are not your own. Many people are tempted to keep all the information to themselves but they should not. Sharing earns one referrals and new business.
Promote other people. Congratulate them if they do good work and share the work with others. People will often regard to you as smarter that way, than if you keep promoting your work only. The ones you are promoting may remember you in your time of need. Good deeds are often reciprocated and one could even give you their good will. Promoting others can be done through newsletters, social media, and events or blogs.
Be social. Creating accounts on social media is not enough. They should be utilized to market. Use them as platforms to research, ask questions, and interact with other people who could be potential clients. Utilize emails and blogs as well but don’t be too persistent.
It pays to be precise about what the company does or what types of services are offered. Give take-home messages that they will not easily forget in case you come across new customers. Have a marketing strategy. The most basic building block of marketing is before you establish a company or a business, you should be on the lookout for what is missing in the industry and fill that need. Beware of competition and formulate ways of dealing with them. Marketers should never miss an opportunity to make new friends because you never know when you could be talking to a potential customer.