MANY BUSINESS LEADERS or individuals are faced with dilemmas. The question arises as to how an individual can delegate tasks while ensuring the business runs efficiently. There are a number of ways that an individual may do that successfully. The first step in delegation involves making a decision. A large number of individuals prefer knowing every small aspect of business operations, which can lead to a situation whereby one becomes overwhelmed. Alternatively, the person may not trust that his or her employees will carry out the task assigned successfully. Consequently, the workload of the person increases.
By making the decision to delegate, the person consequently gets a heavy load off his or her back. In order to delegate without becoming obsolete, however, it is imperative for one to listen to his or her employees’ feedback, while still maintaining control of the overall project or task. Listening to various verbal inputs such as complaints and suggestions is very helpful. Alternatively, the higher-ups may pay attention to non verbal signals such as poor performance. In such an instance, they should strive to distinguish poor performance brought about by incompetence from lack of leadership. Listening to employees’ input helps build a strong bond between the employer and his or her employees.
Moreover, listening to employees provides a forum whereby the workers can suggest various ways through which performance can be improved. Having an open mind is very important and the individual should admit instances whereby he or she is wrong. You will benefit from listening to all of your employees because it will allow you to collect information from all of them, thus enabling yourself to become more valuable.
Aside from listening to employees, it is imperative to reward them. Rewarding employees does not only entail monetary compensation, but also a conducive environment and tools which will enhance performance. Connecting the company’s mission and day-to-day activities is vital as this ensures that employees feel more engaged. Besides that, employees that feel that their work is meaningful are more likely to be loyal to their employer.
Provision of information ensures that employees are aware of where the company is headed. It is also prudent to praise workers for small and accomplishments of the business. Through this, employees feel that their efforts are recognized and part of a collective accomplishment.
Different workers have different aversions and skills. To this end, an employee should perform skills which he or she is comfortable with. This leads to maximum performance and morale. The employees should also be encouraged to perform other tasks so as to boost productivity and diversity of skills. Maintaining a proper communication channel in a business organization is also helpful.
After delegating a task, an individual expects feedback regarding whether the task has been accomplished or not. In instances where the task at hand is lengthy, the individual may expect feedback at every stage of completion. To this end, the employer should ensure that communication channels in the organization are open. By accomplishing the above and always maintaining control of the situation, individuals are able to delegate duties without becoming obsolete.