IT IS NOT ENOUGH that you are simply made in charge of a group of people. With the title of “boss” (manager, supervisor, director, etc.), you should be able to articulate leadership in both an effective and efficient way. It is not an easy task as there will be times when a disagreement will arise that will need to be sorted out. It is at such junctures that the boss in the workplace steps up and plays his or her role. If the workers are not content with your leadership skills, they will dig in their heels and resist your guidance and direction. In case you didn’t know, aggressively pushing back or immediately firing everyone is the wrong answer. Here are a few steps that you should and should not do in the quest to become a better boss:
- As a boss, you should always be friendly to everyone around the workplace so that you can have a genuine connection with the people around you. People tend to want to listen to and be around friendly people. Conversely, if you’re always nervous, shy, angry, or just plain freaked out, your mood will affect your subordinates and cause them to want to avoid you. Think about when you were in school. You hated the mean teachers and loved the nice ones, right? Now, think about your performance in those classes. You worked harder because you enjoyed the nice teachers’ classes, thus getting better grades, right? Point proven. Be the nice teacher.
- Being a boss is a lot like being a parent and in order to achieve positive results, you should be able to learn what kind of employees you have. What kind of people are they? How do they each react to criticism and encouragement? With the tasks that have to be accomplished in the office, there are different methods to go about it. Your employees all have different methods for performing their tasks. Their learning styles are also unique. Once you, as the boss, find out what mode of learning your employees work the best with, it would be in your best interest to continue down that path to positive results.
- Occasionally, disagreements arise and need to be dealt with. There is always a civil method that can be used by the boss so as to get to the root of the matter without making it a spectacle and involving people who aren’t involved and play no role bigger than being spectators. If (when) a disagreement arises between employees, have a private meeting with each employee separately, then one with them together, then another with them separately. It’s important that do conduct all of these meetings in private so that you don’t embarrass or accidentally disrespect your employees in front of their peers. Quietly and calmly listen to both parties, but remember that you’re the boss and the resolution falls on you. Anyone who doesn’t like your decision is free to find employment elsewhere. The key to remember here is to conduct all resolutions in private and NEVER lose your temper in front of the group.
- Everyone knows that you’re the boss are in charge. Forcing it down their throats with anger, yelling and threats is not wise. It’s a huge mistake to think that the employees that fear you will be more productive. What you’ll end up with is a group that hates and disrespects you.