IT HAS BEEN impossible to ignore the controversy, in recent years, surrounding the outsourcing of jobs from the United States to other countries. Unemployment rates, sweatshops, the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, the vanishing middle-class, blue collar American, and other economically-apocalyptic-sounding headlines have swept the nation for the last quarter-century surrounding the hot topic of outsourcing. Nevertheless, here we are. We are still evolving and growing as a working-class nation. What is most discouraging to me about the topic of outsourcing is the fact that it has become an emotional topic. “Outsourcing” has joined the ranks of other socially dirty words like “abortion,” “republican” (to liberals), “democrat” (to conservatives), “fundamentalist,” and others. While we are all allowed to have our own opinion on any of those hot-topic terms, I humbly ask: if outsourcing is economically evil, why is it working? The nice thing about a free-market is that it’s self-corrective. If a bad idea is truly bad, it will fail, and vice versa.
What do you call it when you take your car to a mechanic to change the oil for you?
No it’s not! Outsourcing is a dirty word that only evil people use! I just wanted the mechanic to change my oil because he’s better at it than me and I had more important things to do.
Precisely. Thank you for that textbook definition of outsourcing, and for the example that outsourcing comes in all shapes and sizes.
One of the proven ways of effectively managing a business is by outsourcing your projects. Whether or not working for a passive income is your plan, outsourcing tends to take the progress of your business to new heights. If you currently work full-time, yet you want to start a side project, it can prove to be extremely difficult. Outsourcing can help you improve your productivity whether you are an individual or you own a business.
The first thing you should discover is that by being hesitant to outsource your work, you end up missing out on profits, money, and sales. Not to mention that you will also be losing time as you will be spending more time doing something that you could have someone else do while you concentrate on something else. For example, if you are currently working full-time, you may decide to start a website that will earn you money on the side. If you do not outsource the running of this website to someone else that you will pay, you will end up making a loss since you will not be able to make any sales when you are at your full-time job.
The first step in outsourcing your project would be to find some websites online that can help you recruit people. After selecting a website that is best suited to your needs, you may have to open an account. This account will enable you to post the details of your business or your project on the website. Elaborate on what, exactly, you expect the people you are outsourcing to do for you and also go into details about the project or the business itself. Being clear and concise is the key to finding a perfect match for your outsourcing needs.
While you are creating a portfolio on the project or the business that you are looking to outsource, be clear on the dates that you expect the work to be done. You will have to elaborate on both the start dates as well as the end dates, so that you do not experience any delays when you finally outsource the work. Also, ensure that you are realistic when you are setting the dates as you cannot expect work that will take three months to be completed in two weeks’ time. You should then expect to get hits on your account. These hits are made by bidders for the outsourcing jobs.
All bidders have the potential of being contracted for the work but you will have to be vigilant when selecting a final bidder. This is to ensure that you outsource the work to someone who will actually deliver and not cause you to experience losses. To do this, ensure that you critically evaluate every bidder’s portfolio and also fact-check all the details that they provide. Keep in mind that selecting the cheapest bidder may not render the best results.